Association of Cashew Processors of Côte d'Ivoire (GIC-CI) 

The GIC-CI regroups 20 cashew processing units that have their factories in the West African country of Côte d'Ivoire. The group is registered as a non-profit association under Ivorian law. Thanks to its numerous members, GIC-CI represents more than 80% of the volume of cashew kernels produced in Côte d'Ivoire. 

Vision and mission: 

Building a strong and competitive cashew processing sector in Côte d'Ivoire! 

Actors in the processing of raw cashew nuts in Côte d'Ivoire decided to come together and created the Groupement des Industriels du Cajou de Cote d'Ivoire (GIC-CI) in 2014. The association considers processing as the important link in the overall strategy of the reform of the cashew sector in the country. 

Although Côte d'Ivoire is the world's largest producer of cashew nuts, the country has not yet become a competitive global player in the processing of this raw material. The processing rate barely exceeds 10% of the raw nut production. 


However, it is precisely the processing of the raw material that generates benefits for the economic development of Côte d'Ivoire – the  creation of jobs particularly in rural areas, the creation of added value in the country, the diversification and the increase in the income of the actors. 


The mission of the GIC-CI is therefore to contribute by all means to the improvement of the conditions for the economic activity of its members, from agricultural production to export following the industrial processing of cashew nuts, and to represent the profession to the Ivorian public authorities and to any Ivorian or foreign organization. 

Services of GIC-CI

Our association provides a number of services to its members and also to external actors and non-members.
Services to GIC-CI's members:

  • Support in networking between members
  • Representation of the processing units' interests before the Government
  • Organization of informational and networking events
  • Information exchange and enhacement of cooperation

Services to external actors and non-members:

  • Provision of information about the sector
  • Provision of contact to GIC-CI members
  • Organization of informational and networking events 

Administrative organisation of GIC-CI 

The GIC-CI is established as a non-profit association governed by the law n°60-315 of September 21, 1960, of the Government of Côte d'Ivoire. Members of the association can either be classified as active or honorary members. Only companies of Ivorian law processing cashew nuts into kernels can become active members of GIC-CI, whereas any natural person, who can contribute to the association, can be granted the status of honorary membership.

Every three years, the General Assembly of the members of GIC-CI elects its Executive Board. Currently the Board consists of the following elected representatives:

President: Lucman Diaby (CI CAJOU)
Vice-President: Aboubacar Touré (NOVAREA)
Vice-President: Anna Le Uyen Phuong Nguen (QUANG THIEN IMEX S.A.)
General Secretary: Issa Konate (OFI)
Assistant Secretary: Marc Hodonou (DORADO IVORY)
General Treasurer: Christophe Liebert (AISA-CIWA)
Assistant Treasurer: Fulbert Nessemon (CILAGRI)

GIC-CI has openend its secreteriat in Abidjan at Immeuble Cube, Angré 9ième tranche, in 2022. Responsible for the management of the secreteriat and contact for all inquiries is the Executive Secretary, Marcel Ouattara.